By TheMissMuffly - 31/07/2012 15:53 - United States - Monmouth

Today, I wanted to take a romantic bath with my boyfriend. I set up the candles and hot water, but I had to take a dump. After my business was done, I called him into the bath. He walks in, sniffs, glances at the toilet and leaves. Guess what I forgot to flush. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 832
You deserved it 53 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

missyj0 12

it was a mistake but I don't blame him for getting turned off.

....the dead goldfish? The drugs? Oh, wait. That was a rhetorical question, wasn't it...


A7X_LoVeee 10
raraisbang 12

Simply - she was excited about the romantic bath with her man, got in a hurry, and it slipped her mind. People forget to flush all the time when they're in a hurry.

The same way you forget to feed your cat...

Everyone has at a point or two in their life.

Yeah when I'm in a romantic mood and rushing to do something nice floaters and the smell of a room never cross my mind!? If you're trying to do something like that don't you make sure everything is perfect? FHisL I say. "let's have a romantic bath while we breath in my digested food mmmm" gross

Was it in the shape of a heart? That would have been the epitome of romantic

WearingHats 14

That's a bit of a hyperbole.

challan 19

I snorted at your comment. win.

Damn the guy above me said the same thing :(

nentenkupo 16

Maybe she had to go when she was running the bath water, then couldn't flush until the water stopped running. So in that amount of time she forgot to flush it.

It was probably for the best. I can't think of anything less romantic than festering for an hour in someone else's bath scum.

That would've been a shitty date anyway. ;-)

littlemsweirdo 12

Well that is a major turnoff. That is very embarrassing but it happens to everyone. Just laugh it off (:

tony1891 22

what did you forget to flush? lol. next time just give him the Cleveland steamer in the bath.

Dusty_Busters 15

Even if you didnt forget it would still smell bad, bad idea overall.

Don't think having to go to the bathroom was her "idea"

How could you forget to flush after taking a dump?

It actually happens all the time. Everyone has done it at one point and it's nothing to be ashamed about.