By TheMissMuffly - 31/07/2012 15:53 - United States - Monmouth

Today, I wanted to take a romantic bath with my boyfriend. I set up the candles and hot water, but I had to take a dump. After my business was done, I called him into the bath. He walks in, sniffs, glances at the toilet and leaves. Guess what I forgot to flush. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 832
You deserved it 53 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

missyj0 12

it was a mistake but I don't blame him for getting turned off.

....the dead goldfish? The drugs? Oh, wait. That was a rhetorical question, wasn't it...


makeupjunkie 5

Bathing with someone after a shit? That's pretty disgusting...

It's just a little poop. If he's that weak of a boy, then dump his ass.

sruhhvalo 5

That's gotta be a huge turnoff.

delicious69 5

I'm sorry. I have NEVER forgotten to flush. What were you thinking?

TonyGoCapitals 0

You can tell he's gay because no girl says take a dump

You're suck an Outkast! I know you'd like to think your shit don't stank But lean a little bit closer, see Roses really smell like poo ooo oop

Not many FMLs make me laugh out loud, but this one did!