By Noname - 26/02/2009 15:30 - United States

Today, I was a TA for a history class and the class was taking a test. About halfway through, I noticed one kid had a small piece of paper in his hand. I ran up the row, grabbed his test, and ripped it into four pieces. Then I took the note from him. It said "I believe in you, -Mom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 86 102
You deserved it 476 118

Same thing different taste


I have been a TA and I have caught people cheating, and I have never done that! You take the paper, check it, pull them aside to talk to them, then take the test away if need be. Some people cheat because of emotional distress, so doing something like tearing a test up is one good way to give them a mental breakdown. Being a TA takes patience. No need to be a bitch.

Oh and other posters have mentioned how you aren't allowed to have any piece of paper with writing. This is true, but what you should have done was looked at the note and asked him to put it away, and then whispered "Good luck" or something, just to keep up his confidence. Making a huge scene and going 'OMG YOU ARE CHEATING GIVE ME YOUR TEST RAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRR' is a good way to startle the other students, distract them, and make them nervous. Even in a huge lecture hall you need to exercise some calm when dealing with the situation.

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You work at a university, and clearly this test wasn't at one. Would a mom have given their kid a note to hold on to in a university test? No. For all you know, this is probably middle school. Middle school =/= army.

bsteinberg 0

He clearly wasn't cheating, it was just an encouraging note from his mom, and I don't know any jobs where a note from mom can get you fired

Um, except he wasn't cheating, so what's your point again?

SoundnVasion 0
MiaLoves 8

that comment was pretty intense. anyways, like they said, he wasn't cheating, and actually he wasn't doing ANYTHING wrong from the way I see it.

mehwhocares 9

Actually, at a lot of universities, if they suspect you of cheating, there are consequences, and if you're caught you can be kicked out. It's not taken lightly. That said, I do doubt the kid was at a university, however, even in middle and high school you are not supposed to have anything other than test materials on your desk, no matter what it says.

that's why if I cheat, I don't get caught

Kuhu1993 21

Didnt you read the whole thing before getting all overly-sensitive about it? The kid,from no angle was cheating and neither was he a university level student (obvious reasons). It was just an encouraging message from a mom who cares. Thats all.

Why wouldn't you look at the piece of paper in his hand first? Jump to conclusions much? I can understand what you were thinking, but damn! Learn to think before acting! You'd better give that kid an A on his test now. Seriously. Don't even offer to let him retake it... that'd be an insult to both of you. Just give him the A. #3 - I agree! #24 - I also agree!

You can't just give someone an A for no reason, even if you messed up and ripped his test up

quazimozart 19

#14, how difficult is it, exactly, to ask "Let me see what you have in your hand?" and then decide what actions you should takee from there.

King_of_Kings 3

my other comment did sound harsh. but it sounds like this history test was a major part of your grade. so, yeah. if a TA ripped it up without even finding out first if i actually was cheating, yeah, i would make sure that TA is fired. wouldnt you? think about it.

You deserve it. You really do. It's what you get for your power trip. You're supposed to be authority, sure. But you're also supposed to be respectful. In a large or small class, you DON'T do what you do. You take them aside, even if they actually were cheating.

prvag23 0

Man, that was a pretty dick move. For those saying 'omgomg too many kids in a class to look at everything oh noes' -- how long does it take to look at the sheet of paper he's holding, turn it over and tell him to put it away? 10 seconds? Less? And how hard is it to say 'I know you're nervous, but I can't let you have that out. Stick it in your back pocket, and it'll still be close', smile and walk away after he puts it away? I sincerely hope that you let him rewrite his exam and allowed him extra time to calm back down, since he was obviously very scared to begin with.

@ #32 who has a TA in highschool? if that happened to me, id punch you in the face.

themixedt4pe 0

You're probably right, but in high school I had some assistant teachers, but we called them TA's even though that's technically backwards.

There were TAs in my middle school and high school.