By iailwkrb - 26/02/2009 16:08 - United States

Today, while babysitting, the oldest little girl who is 7 went through my purse. She pulled out a half empty bottle of lube. She asked what it was and I told her lotion. I went to the bathroom and when I came out, the bottle was empty and there were 4 kids covered in lube. Then their mom came home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 906
You deserved it 28 018

Same thing different taste

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You could have just NOT BROUGHT LUBE TO A BABYSITTING GIG. Leave it at home, or in the car, or anywhere else. How urgent a need could have presented itself in the circumstances?

Yeah... I would have definitely taken it off her, and then made sure I never left my purse laying around again... I bet it was fun calming the kids down though... you go to grab them and they slip right out of your hands. XD


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D37H100 5

Maybe look at the gender symbole and you will know OP is female.

It's not trong if it was an accident you noob.

guys always carry a purse right? right?

Yeah... I would have definitely taken it off her, and then made sure I never left my purse laying around again... I bet it was fun calming the kids down though... you go to grab them and they slip right out of your hands. XD

#2 - What would you have done? Try to explain what lube is?

No, I would have said it was lotion, or it was none of her business, and then taken it away from her either way. You deserve it for taking your lube with you to a babysitting job and then being negligent enough to just leave it with her when you went to the bathroom. YDI, but FYL too.

HamsteronA 0

hehe your comment is no. 69 I'm so immature but that made me laugh with what you posted

You could have just NOT BROUGHT LUBE TO A BABYSITTING GIG. Leave it at home, or in the car, or anywhere else. How urgent a need could have presented itself in the circumstances?

if a kid got their hand stuck and none of the usual tricks were working

Maybe she forgot it was in there? The better question is why are children going through your purse? Did you let her or is she a nosey little shit?

Bring your purse with you in the bathroom when you babysit. Everyone knows how children are curious and wanna touch & try everything. Deserved.

why do you carry lube in your purse, just in case? this one is your fault

At what point did you think to take it away from them? "What's this?" "Oh that's a knife....I'm just going to walk away and leave it in your hands because clearly...NOTHING bad could happen."

Oh crap, that sucks. You should have put your purse where they couldn't get to it after that.

Why the f*** would you bring lube for babysitting? Are you a working on the street after that or what?