By Noname - 26/02/2009 15:30 - United States

Today, I was a TA for a history class and the class was taking a test. About halfway through, I noticed one kid had a small piece of paper in his hand. I ran up the row, grabbed his test, and ripped it into four pieces. Then I took the note from him. It said "I believe in you, -Mom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 86 102
You deserved it 476 118

Same thing different taste


#8: I'm a TA too, but if it's a test or anything, you should ask questions first. It's true that a paper in a kid's hand may look sketchy 99.99% of the time, but it only takes that 0.01% to screw up your entire career. Besides, a question only takes like 5 seconds to ask and respond (that is, if the piece of paper is not a cheating tool). The worst case scenario: it isn't a cheat sheet and you get embarrassed for 5 seconds then kids forget about it at recess. I was in a pretty disrespectful class and all you have to do is just tap them on the shoulder and tell them to put it away. After several times, they get the idea. Of course, you always have to talk with them after class or whatever, but hey, you're a TA, this should be expected. #369: Thanks for stereotyping and overgeneralizing. If these words are too big for you, read this: THANKS FOR LABELLING. I could just as easily say people named Kerry are dumbasses. But anyway, relating back to the FMLer. Poor kid. He's probably scarred for life. :/

Hahaha the student should have known better than to have a piece of unknown paper out during a test. It's his fault. He should have looked at it before he began the exam if he wanted assurance. You were just doing your job.

you should have checked what was written on it first, but the kid shouldn't have had that paper during the test

Honestly, The level of education (ex. College or High School) is never stated in the story. Also, Honestly! When have you ever seen or heard of a high school or college student that carries around notes from his mom, unless maybe the student has a learning disability. To be honest, the way the story is stated, I believe that this kid was in elementary school or in Jr. High School. There are TA's in elementary and Jr. High. I know the TA's are most likely student teachers but depending on where you are located in the USA, they may be called TA's. And, it is also not hard to grab the piece of paper from the kid and look at it to see what it says unless you're a caveman. In which case, you are only smart enough to sign up for GEICO. Cavemen are not allowed to be TA's!

Uhwahhh! How mean! I feel so sorry for that poor kid... You should have looked at the note first!

i'm a student in the college of engineering, and no engineering exams are proctored. it's supposed to be a sign of engineering work ethics, but in reality all engineering work is done in teams. in all fairness, exams should be real world scenarios. open source for all exams, that means open book, open notes, open internet. if i'm not sure of an answer in the real world, i'm going to google it.