By Noname - 26/02/2009 15:30 - United States

Today, I was a TA for a history class and the class was taking a test. About halfway through, I noticed one kid had a small piece of paper in his hand. I ran up the row, grabbed his test, and ripped it into four pieces. Then I took the note from him. It said "I believe in you, -Mom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 86 102
You deserved it 476 118

Same thing different taste


Mankbeast 0

that guy needs to calm down wtf is wrong with that douche

Teachers like you are the ones that students hate forever. I hope karma gets you back.

be careful someone snaps your head off next time you walk out on the streets. what a cauliflower ********.

should have stuck with your decision... run over grab it rip it and just keep on running haha

Mankbeast 0

this is the same thing as seeing a suspicious person and running up to him/her and beating he/she down because you thought you should enforce whatever power you have You really should fyl

Mandala_fml 0

Great FML, obviously the poster's fault and i think s/he recognizes that. I can picture like a 13 year old pudgy kid with freckles and orange hair taking his test and is all stressed out so he looks down at the note his mom wrote him the night prior when he was up late studying and she served him a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Then all of a sudden this gestapo TA, clearly on a power trip and eager to seize upon the opportunity to please the teacher, runs up to him and shreds the test, laughing manically. The kid then bursts out into tears and runs out of the classroom while the TA is staring blankly down at the "cheat sheet". But seriously if I was the kid, I would have stood up in the middle of the test and bitched out the TA, humiliating him/her in front of the entire class. No one should give you that kind of crap when it is undeserved. Whether it was college or high school, the note should have been read before the test was ripped. I am also thinking that the note had the kid's mom's handwriting on it. And leave the kid alone for having a note from his mom; even in college I am sure it was a nice reminder that people supported the kid and he could calm down.

wrestler_fml 0

Damn, that kid was probably mentally challenged too, if he was reading a note from his mom during the test. I mean, it's not your fault because yes it IS your job, but still... unlucky for you! If it had been ANY OTHER type of note, you would have been 100% OK in everybody's eyes. PS- T.A.'s suck DICK btw. They all have power trips. They're retarded! To all the ta's out there, stop thinking you're tight, because the only reason u have control over us is becaues you're not smart enough to have classes of your OWN!

I feel really bad for the kid, and FML poster, that was REALLY a dick move. To people saying, "HE'S DOING HIS JOB!!" No, he exceeded his job. Stop students from cheating does NOT mean "Rip up paper in front of class." It means quietly calling the student after the test, or asking him to come outside. What the hell power trip was he on to think ripping up the test was the ONLY way to stop him from cheating? Poster, I hope you apologized to that kid. Sucks that it happened to you, really. I hope you've learned not to be so rash in the future. It really was a bad situation all around. : | #346, last part of your comment, there are classes people can be TAs for only if they are exceptionally good at a particular subject. Kindly learn what you're talking about before speaking again.

Um, you weren't supposed to rip up a test even if the kid was really cheating. You are supposed to save that "evidence" (if the kid was really cheating). Bad TA. I hope you never become a real teacher. Poor kid. I hope he wasn't scarred by this. I hope he didn't start hating his mom about the note.