By guess I'm stuck - 16/04/2013 07:23 - United States - Alamo

Today, I was about to break up with my psycho girlfriend. As I sat her down, she told me she wanted to show me something. She then took off her shirt to reveal my name tattooed across her chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 035
You deserved it 7 738

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's going to be an awkward one to explain to her next forest run!

mbusey 20

Good thing you can still break up with her.


DorkAlert 10

There is only one thing you can do. KILL HER!!!

Change your number, move, get a restraining order, and start new accounts for EVERYTHING!!

Run...just run, and never look back For everyone saying "good luck now" he's not the one with the permanent name on his chest, he can easily leave her now

youre not stuck...break up with her via text or something and get a restraining order against her and/or move

I'm a girl and I'm saying this... RUN DUDE, RUUUUUUUN!

OP, the Antarctic program is hiring. It'll be your best bet until we establish a colony on Mars.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Act like the top left hand corner of your keyboard and ESCAPE!