By nightmarestonite - 16/12/2013 21:54 - Canada

Today, I was admiring a beautiful painting I had hung in my bedroom. My brother kindly pointed out that when flipped upside down, it takes the shape of a lunatic girl with bleeding eyes. Now I can't unsee it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 320
You deserved it 4 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hang it in your brothers room upside down and get a new painting


I'm scared to comment anything :( all the comments have negative votes.

If you're scared to comment then don't comment at all.

What is the painting of right way up!?

Or leave it right side up and have a subliminal message.

whiskeey 14

Flip it upside down and hang it in your brothers room

I used to have a border on my bedroom walls when we first moved into our house that gave me nightmares. It was some sort of pattern but it looked like a sinister face the right way up and upside down. :

Maybe what you thought was the right way was actually upside down:O

Usually the artists signature is on the painting and shows the correct way to display it

You really have to show us a picture, I may just want to buy it off of you!

jrn 14

What is the painting of right side up?

Now this fml is all about how My lith got flipped- turned upside down And I'd like to take a minute Just sit right there I'll tell you how I became owner of the print with a stare