By blaahh - 19/02/2011 01:35 - United States

Today, I was asked out by a guy I've liked since the beginning of the year. All I could say was, "I have to pee", and ran into the men's bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 438
You deserved it 17 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

**** your life OP. I hope you were able to explain it to him. Next time just please try to run into the women's bathroom.


sounds like you were nervous. but the men's bathroom? Seriously now. that is foolish.

Aww! Well if he's really a decent guy, then he should understand after you explain it to him. I'm sure he'd think it was kind of cute(: Or he can be a douche and forget about asking you out again.

fthku 13

I wonder if OP was a guy, the girl commentators here would still be all sympathetic. I imagine a lot more "Grow a pair" or "Grow up" style comments. Anyway, OP, like #1 said, are you 5 years old? I get if you're too nervous to ask someone out, but if they come to you, it's not that hard to say "I would love to" and schedule a time, and it doesn't take more than a minute.

I can only speak for myself, but it depends more on what kind of mood I'm in than the gender of the OP.

fthku 13

I know your comments, and you're among the women commentators I wasn't referring to. :) Guess I should've added a line about it.

Well, as someone who's shy and indecisive myself, I've gotten a lot of that my whole life: everything from "It's not that hard" to "wtf just get over yourself already." And I can kind of see how a shy person might seem annoying or incomprehensible to someone who isn't - after all, it frustrates me too. But even if something seems easy to you, it doesn't mean it's easy for everyone. It's not always a matter of "just trying harder." Because, as much as I hate it, there are certain things that are just innately terrifying for me, no matter how easy they may seem - and being asked out would definitely be on that list. Sorry, I don't mean to sound preachy or anything, this IS just the internet after all haha. Like I said, I understand your viewpoint - I just wanted to say my piece :)

Lol wait I interpreted your comment as "nervous because she was shy." But I guess she might have just been really nervous, not necessarily shy - still the same principle? haha

well at least he didn't say you can go on me! gross....hope it all works out for you.

itsHannahhh 0

Haha, wow. This actually made me laugh (:

chelseabitez 0