By blaahh - 19/02/2011 01:35 - United States

Today, I was asked out by a guy I've liked since the beginning of the year. All I could say was, "I have to pee", and ran into the men's bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 438
You deserved it 17 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

**** your life OP. I hope you were able to explain it to him. Next time just please try to run into the women's bathroom.


I'm sorry but that's pathetic. You probably blew your one and only chance. YDI

Lol! That's just hilarious! Knowing me, I would've probably done the SAME EXACT thing....yet somehow knowing that you ended up doing it instead makes it even funnier! sorry.

rakhil11 7

First bf? :/ Turn it into a funny story - you still have a chance!

JennaMason 6

Well there are two things that always have to be done in life. Number one and number two.. I presume your answer was that you are seeing other men? :P

coolplanes 0

If you're a girl.. cute! If you're a guy.. here's a glass of concrete so you can harden the fck up.. :)