By Unfortunately Me - 09/01/2014 00:54 - United States - San Jose

Today, I was asked to go to a ball by the guy I like. The theme is masquerade. He made me a Robin mask; he's wearing a Batman mask. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 101
You deserved it 12 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know why your complaining, I marvel at your costume.

josebaseball11 14

Don't complain, he could have made you wear a Bane mask.


sarahtolkien 8

I think that's awesome! plus they're coordinated! it's a good sign

brifrikkintastic 9

Dude that is the coolest thing ever. That's like beyond cool. I mean, Bat Girl would have been cute to but superheroes are amazing. ESPECIALLY Batman

I don't get it, isn't that a good thing? Batman and Robin were partners! You know how oblivious boys can be at times, maybe he's just into comics have fun!

You're complaining?? That's creative of him and you should be appreciative that he took the time to get you a mask. Plus, Batman and Robin are awesome!

Oh come on...masquerade's are works...and always stand out don't blend in...

franklydizzy 5

you should Marvel at his creativity. its not like he's being a dick. things aren't so grey son. enjoy the ball and make sure to do that costume justice.

imalee99 10

That's the opposite of a problem :D