By Unfortunately Me - 09/01/2014 00:54 - United States - San Jose

Today, I was asked to go to a ball by the guy I like. The theme is masquerade. He made me a Robin mask; he's wearing a Batman mask. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 101
You deserved it 12 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know why your complaining, I marvel at your costume.

josebaseball11 14

Don't complain, he could have made you wear a Bane mask.


Don't complain. It is a masquerade ball. Have fun with the guy you like. :) Just relax

reymon8823 24

I don't see a problem here.. That sounds pretty awesome although i woulda gotten you a cat woman mask

unixdude 9

Decline the invite. He deserves better than you. Why T F are you complaining?

Cambam567 4

i think that's awesome really.. hes showing you that hes comfortable with you and also wants to be different then everyone

If you want a guy who isn't into superheroes you're probably going to struggle. I bet 99% of guys secretly or openly think that superheroes are awesome. Batman is usually regarded as one of the best. Could be worse though... he could have gone as Aquaman...

Maybe he wants to see your creativity?

dude that's a freaking awesome idea! not an fml....

Dude that's good, where like a sexy robin dress

he actually made the mask? that is special