By Unfortunately Me - 09/01/2014 00:54 - United States - San Jose

Today, I was asked to go to a ball by the guy I like. The theme is masquerade. He made me a Robin mask; he's wearing a Batman mask. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 101
You deserved it 12 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know why your complaining, I marvel at your costume.

josebaseball11 14

Don't complain, he could have made you wear a Bane mask.


Looks like he doesn't think much of you to be a 2nd tier hero

OP why are you complaining? He thought of an idea, Made you a mask, and is probably buying the tickets. I'd be stoked if a guy asked me to a ball.

horizontalline 18

I'm sure it was a bat-tastic costume

middlenamefrank 8

Maybe that's a good thing, he may be one of those that believe Batman and Robin were just a LITTLE too "dynamic".

hazardmuffin 21

How is that a problem? Embrace your inner Robin!

Holy_Schnikes 23

I hope the reason you are upset is because you aren't Batman. Not because he is into Batman.