By Anonymous - 11/09/2013 13:29 - United Kingdom - Milton Keynes

Today, I was asked to leave a church service for laughing at the kids trying to sing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 108
You deserved it 82 601

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They're children. Not only are they just learning to sing, but they're brave for getting up in front of an audience. You deserve it.

Everyone learns to sing at some point! Don't laugh, you probably sound just as bad.


So are you expecting us the have simpathy for you? You totally deserved to be kicked out of the church! Try singing in front of a audience when you're not a professional singer and see if your voice won't crack or if you miss tempo or the lyrics, and see how cool it is to be laughed at!

Lol I can so relate! I couldn't stop laughing at a ballet when the men came out prancing in tights. Everyone around me got up and moved!

littlexlune 16

Oh, this sounds like something I would do. You must have been really laughing. I think I would just chuckle.

its was probably funny but that wasn't the time and place for it and you should be ashamed of yourself! I would be so embarrassed I would not even have posted this

You are my kinda lady, I would have laughed a bit too

Hey you philoprogenitive mouth breathing waste of space, shut the **** up.

Sometimes you just can't help but giggle hysterically at the unfortunate. I feel ya brother

they did you a favour. no point believing in imaginary friends like jesus