By thairsha - 09/02/2012 11:05 - Japan

Today, I was at a Buddhist shrine and wanted to light a candle for my friend who's having a rough time, when I got stung by a bee. I spent the next hour with a swollen shoulder. How does karma work again? FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 384
You deserved it 4 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cradle6 13

Something about your actions in previous lives affecting your caste in this life. At least originally.


Well, bees do die after they sting sooo... Karma for the bee?

stupid bitches. karma is a hindu belief

YDI for only doing nice things so you get nice things back. That's why you got stung, coz your attitude stinks!

Have you donated for the candle before lighting it?

karma isnt a trade off...just because you do something good doesnt mean you get it right back immediately...its a mindset