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By Tao26 - 10/11/2013 22:06 - United States - Saint Louis

Today, I was quizzing a girl at my college, and I noticed that when she answered a question, her ears wiggled. It was cute, so I pointed it out. She burst into tears, and the guy next to me said, "Way to make her feel insecure, douchebag." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 234
You deserved it 7 567

Tao26 tells us more.

Tao26 6

My exact words were "Hey, your ears wiggle when you answer questions, haha. That's cute." Not the smoothest thing to say obviously, but I guess I should have kept my comment to myself.

Top comments

Tell her you thought it was cute and didn't mean to be a douchebag.


A lot of it has to do with being teased so mercilessly that the victim becomes insecure. The only thing unfortunate is that the bullies don't know they are scarring a person for life when they attack.

The other unfortunate thing is that most bullies don't stop even when they're told about the harm they're causing.

Yes and its very unfortunate. he probably just said "Haha, your ears wiggle!" without even being able to explain himself, she took it completely wrong. I have some flaws that I hate when people point out, but I don't go that far with it.

Yes. I'm sensitive, but not to that rate.

Waaah stop complimenting me! I'm trying to blend in!

I can move my ears a little bit voluntarily and often do it without realising. It's almost like a stretching feeling and feels nice/relieving. My boyfriend thinks it is really funny and often points it out when I do it then wants me to do it more so he can laugh at me. Which in turn makes me really uncomfortable and self conscious about it. Things like that can easily make a person extra sensitive =

I once complimented this guy's adorable dimple on his left cheek and he replied by telling me that he was well aware of his facial deformity...

Justy101 23

I got pretty upset when my friends pointed out that sometimes my nose wiggles when I talk. They were really cruel about it. Now whenever someone points it out I can't help but be visibly upset by it. Past experience defines your actions and reactions.

Tell her you thought it was cute and didn't mean to be a douchebag.

red225 14

If anything that other guy was, being one to look as if he's sensitive.

Zimmington 21

21- I thought the same thing. Why did he feel the need to wiggle in there? Op could've saved himself with "I'm sorry I didn't mean it in a mean way. I think It's adorable"

I'm sure if you would explain your reasoning to comment, it might make her feel a little better.

At least you didn't try to compliment her by saying her ears were like Dumbo's for the wiggle part. Some people don't think Dumbo's big wiggly ears are cute.

Zimmington 21

Kids called me dumbo when I was a kid because my ears were too big for my head. My mom always said I would grow into them but I was so insecure I didn't believe her.

falon142012 22

Yea dude my ears always Stuck out and people called me an elf until I was 16 (as I am also short and petite)...But all that toughened me up. It takes a Lot to offend me now.

Zimmington 21

56- Yeah, I did around 13 or so. 58- It really does make you stronger. I learned to make fun of myself & the teasing kinda stopped a little. If you can laugh at yourself & don't care what others think then they don't have any ammunition.

I'm really tired of people being so sensitive, why can't they just accept how they wiggle?

"haha ur ears wiggle ur weird" "wtf y r ur ears moving" "can u stop" because people make fun of others, you ******* walnut. If you're told that one of your attributes is bad, you probably don't want people pointing it out

"OH MY GOD YOUR EARS ARE MOVING, YOU ******* FREAK!" I'm surprised she didn't find that comment endearing.

I don't know how the ladies ever left you alone with that sort of love-talk. Teach me your ways, master.

Doc, I laughed at your comment and I laughed hard.

"It's so cute the way your fat jiggles when you laugh!"

Maybe she was bullied for it earlier in life? This could have caused her to feel really insecure about it. Poor girl.

"Wiggle it, just a little bit". Hey, that can be your song. We all have cute "imperfections" that makes one unique.

perdix 29

I was kind of expecting, "Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah! Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah!..."