By grenade - 17/07/2011 06:24 - United States

Today, I was at a club with my friends, when a group of guys approached us. It got quiet for a second, and I heard one of them say, "It's okay, I've got the fat one this time," then walk over and start talking to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 027
You deserved it 7 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Crea8urWorld 5

you should of looked at your friends and said 'it's okay, I got the ugly one this time'

Taking one for the team! He deserves a ******* medal.


So whats wrong fatty? At least you got a snog and whatever... If you aren't fat, then just ignore it and if you are, DIET!

3153dee 0

he has a thing for fat chicks, nothing wrong with that :)

ccargill61 0
skyorpia101 4

Next time just say it's ok don't worry you can take no one this time and smile and walk away

deadbabyjesus 2

lmfao! at least u got hit on lol. you was not the lonely one. it could have been worse.

ryan41297 0

I hope you didn't sit there and take it, and I hope if your friends heard they said something.

1: although he sucks at whispering he's a great wing man. 2: at least your have friends hot enough make guys pay the price (bang the fat friend) to get to them. 3: there is no excuse for being fat... none. 4: i know I'm being an ass but the truth is much HEALTHIER that comfort food. nice version of #2: at least your getting some.

bigsexy94 6

seems like exercise could prevent this kind of situation