By thatwasmiz - 08/04/2009 06:38 - United States

Today, I was at a gay bar and asking a really convincing drag queen about her daily routine. I asked how she tucked her penis in. She responded, "Um, I'm a woman." I said, "Oh I'm sorry, are you pre-op or post-op?" She said, "No, I always have been and always will be a woman, asshole." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 559
You deserved it 78 966

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aren't those extremely personal questions to be asking? Could we get a transgender/transvestite to weigh in on this discussion?

I clicked YDI, then FML. It's a bit of both, I'vegottaa say, some of them can be pretty damn convincing!


#37 The OP mentioned she was a drag queen (i.e. - a performer). I know of more then one woman that is not transgender that enjoys performing "in drag" (technically it's not true drag, but you get the idea) so it's not that uncommon. This is giving the OP the benefit of the doubt, and that he/she actually saw the woman perform. Just because they were wrong about her being trans doesn't mean they're wrong about the woman being a drag queen. But you're right. If the OP had no way of knowing whether she was really doing drag or not, then you're right back at the original problem, and it would be offensive. But my point was, that whatever the situation there is a more polite way to approach the subject. And if you can't think of one, well - if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

vt_mruhlin 0

#42, that's like trekkies who want to be called "trekkers". Besides, the whole point of the FML is that she was neither a drag queen nor a transwoman. He first mistook her for a drag queen, so I'd say it's the appropriate word to use telling the story.

musu_fml 0

#45 There is a very big difference between transgender and transvestite. A transvestite is a person who adopts the dress and/or mannerisms of the opposite sex whilst keeping their existing gender identity. A transgendered person is someone who identifies themselves as a member of the opposite gender. Or, in short; Transvestite; dresses as the opposite gender. Trangendered person; *IS* the opposite gender.

#44 Ah, see, I read it differently. The way I understood it, the OP spoke to the woman THINKING she was a drag queen, but that she actually wasn't one - hence the mix up and ensuing dramarama. *taps head* Right there with you now.

Death_to_my_life 0

no one reads those essay-length comments... secondly, its her own fault if people assume shes a drag queen, shes was in a GAY bar.

Evee_fml 0

And this is why you shouldn't hang out at a gay bar if you look like a drag queen everyone having a cow over the use of drag queen needs to learn to read better

Fuckyourcunt 0

hha wow, that is amazing. i could see myself getting into a situation like that.

I'm guessing she/he was just messing with you.

jpchi06 0

I'm surprised there havn't been more hateful/ignorant comments.... anyway... yeah asking someone how they tuck their penis probably doesn't end well most times

Bookie2152 0

this whole problem could have been easily solved. respect what God gave you and dont be a queer