By American idol - 06/04/2011 06:19

Today, I was at a local talent show and during a piano performance I had to go to the bathroom. I sang along in the bathroom but was unaware how loud I was until I walked out and everyone started applauding me while the pianist was still playing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 611
You deserved it 36 964

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What were you singing? 99 Problems? I got 99 problems, but good pitch ain't one.

I'd applaud if someone could sing like a piano too.


at least they clap than rather laughing bhind your back! (ToT)

Darkster 0

[slow clap & nod head in amazement] such talent... :')

RedPillSucks 31
lmaoatall 6

aaawww the soft soothing sounds of flushing meadows

RedPillSucks 31

Did you bow to the audience at least?

Sounds a bit like bullshit, but you never know, we live in a strange world...

SpilltMilk2 0

I don't see...the big problem? You were singing, they thought your voice was good and then clapped? Now they know you can sing. You should be apologizing to the performer.

how can you go pee halfway in your performance?!

zero_ego 0

better to be applauded then booed.