By Festivaler - 13/07/2013 07:14 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh

Today, I was at a music festival, and my mum had told me not to to drink. Someone threw a cup of beer at me, and I was worried about smelling of alcohol. It's okay though, because a second cup of urine took the alcohol smell right away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 207
You deserved it 4 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least you won't have the smell of beer anymore. The cup of urine would be better to explain to your mom.


skyyyy01 11

I wouldnt care what my mother thought at that point. I would be too angry that i was covered in someone else's pee.

olpally 32

Was red solo cup playing? That's disgusting, hopefully the third one is water.

urine a rut if you dont have any clothes to change into. someone must have been piss drunk to do that. like honestly, who would waste a beer like that, sheesh!

CallMeMcFeelii 13

oh well, everybody has a bad comment every now and then. i was jet lagged when i typed it too, but its not really an excuse.

Drunk people parties bad doubt you will smell in some form different...usually for the worse...

I'd be much more pissed off than worried. Go shove his urine cup down his throat.

What a way to ruin someone's day. If the piss wasn't bad enough..who knows who's unhygienic, STD riddled groin that pee probably came from?? I would've gone home afterward had I been OP.

Kallian_fml 21

You'd actually go home like that? I'd be in the nearest restroom I could find pouring cups of water all over myself.

monnanon 13

its a festival it happens. just hope it rains or that is during thr headline act and bloody well enjoy yourself.

Well good on you for actually listening to your mother!

I've seen this happen several times, unlucky. People are ******* gross at festivals, why is there any need to throw piss at others?! If you're only there for the day at least you can shower when you get home. If you're there for the weekend hopefully you have more clothes!