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By Idiots - 05/09/2009 20:54 - Canada

Today, I was at a party when I got covered in the liquid from a glow stick. Thinking it wasn't a big deal I went to rub it off, but it stuck to my clothes. The cops came so everyone ran and hid in the bushes because we were all drunk. The cops arrested fifteen people because I glowed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 546
You deserved it 47 185

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Haha, nice. Be more careful with your glowsticks next time

hahah i know who this is about i saw them all get arrested last night theyre like 15 16 17

tpag3r 0

i would say be careful next time with glow because my friend needs glasses now because he got glow crap squirt in his eyes... and he cant taste stuff on the tip of his tongue so uhh YDI

=P i doubt that you saw them last night... you know fml's HAVE to stay with Today, this could've happened a long time ago ;o

noo there were a hugge string of parties last night cos it was the last friday and i saw some guy glowing

flintstone 0

You would be banned from any party I ever had again, or any party I ever attended!! Sloppy drunks like you are nothing but a pain in the ass!! Try AA.

amazinggbaby 2

how does getting glowstick on yourself make you a sloppy drunk? I understand they were drunk but telling them they need to go to AA is such an overstatement

minnieminroe 0

Glow stick glow is not even bright..unless your WHOLE shirt was covered in glow

tis not! he just drew attention obv. FYL this one is so funny (; favourite!

tribridags 0

idk mabye the liquids are poisonous

srhoa01 14

Well maybe someone called because of a noise disturbance, and since he was glowing they knew where he was hiding. So he was the reason 14 other people got caught.

Glowing isn't the crime. They were all drunk, and most likely underage, since there'd be no other reason to arrest them, and this person glowing alerted the cops to 14 people around him

jmspin 0

they were underage because he said they "were all drunk" and if they were old enough they wouldn't have needed to run and hide in the bushes

Are you sure you're a man? I thought the number one rule about being a man was 'Never break your stick'.

His stick breaking isn't the first thing on his list of worries if his juice glows.....

Jazzywrites007 2

OhMyGod... I'm suffocating from all the WIN in these comments. . .

I'm pretty sure it wasn't his sticks' juice that he got on his face. Time for him to come out of the closet!  Gay ******  (before you yell, a gay ****** is just a happy cigarette.)

someone probably had glowing green diarrhea all over him. glow sticks donts make sense

Call me a tard if I'm wrong but.. last time I checked, glow sticks made more sense than glowing green diarrhea coming out of someone's bootypipe.

Why were you arrested? Were you tresspassing? drunk? Or just plain Dumb?? Oh Oh I know!!! And, it didn't take a glow stick to light This one up!!

suckstobeyou3 0

im going to take a wild guess and say all 3...

You know that stuff is highly toxic and gives you cancer. Indeed I guess now your life is fckd! . "It has been said that glow stick chemicals cause cancer;[8] the phenol produced is toxic, corrosive and a category 3 mutagen." check out wikipedia for mor FYL info.

Vacant 7

Yeah because the amount in a single glow stick is enough to cause cancer. I extremely doubt it.

Yeah they'd probably have to put a disclaimer on each glow stick.

I would worry, too. Though it would be stupid to preach about how mysterious goo causes cancer, and then go outdoors in the sunshine, or use windex to clean a window, or eat highly processed foods, or spend time near computers, or sit on a flame-resistant couch, or paint, or....


More like: Yeah, cause Wikipedia is the most reliable site on the web. Especially since Mr. Joe Schmoe can change history by writing a bunch of bullshit. *sarcasm* -.-'

Oh yes Wikipedia when you need a hard solid facts always reference Wikipedia, in fact I think you can get a med school diploma just by reading through the anatomy section of Wikipedia

Deodorant, depression, and sitting also cause cancer. What's your point?

Bet that'll teach ya'll to go breaking your sticks at parties... ;)

Ydi For going to a underage drinking party with irresponsible people