By Our Talisman - 01/08/2010 19:41

Today, I was at a red light when the guy next to me gave me that look people give when they want a street race. I won, but I should've seen the word "Sheriff" written on the side of his car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 849
You deserved it 82 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_good_times 0

Wow, with an eyesight as good as yours you prolly shouldn't be driving anyway, so I hope he took your license.

TeeHooligan 0


OK, you deserved to get caught. This isn't an FML, it's a "I'm a total dumbass who doesn't deserve a license."

Only jackasses street race. Trying to prove that your dick is bigger than the guy in the next car by speeding down the road while putting other people in danger? I don't know how this isn't a YDI. You broke the law and somehow you DIDN'T notice the uniform or the marked car.

wow you just might be the stupidest dumbass I have ever heard of

Yaya_2_kool 0

Lol that's funny they were mayb doneing that to see what was wrong with your car! lolx j/p

rety1 13