By Our Talisman - 01/08/2010 19:41

Today, I was at a red light when the guy next to me gave me that look people give when they want a street race. I won, but I should've seen the word "Sheriff" written on the side of his car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 849
You deserved it 82 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_good_times 0

Wow, with an eyesight as good as yours you prolly shouldn't be driving anyway, so I hope he took your license.

TeeHooligan 0


eva heard of lookn at the car first?? lke and marked police cruisers are obvious 2 spot, look n open ur eyes nxt time!!

styphon 5

no one can be this stupid... please restore my faith in humanity.

vamdragon 0

lol you must have been blind or was he dressed to race? that would be something to see someone dressed like a teenager or a thug in a cop car XD

There's a dress code for street racing now? O.o And I think you meant to say "in the FRONT SEAT of a cop car." ;)

Grammar_Police 0

It's funny because OP tried to drag race a cop. Legonut4 ftw

- how did the OP spell " sheriff " wrong ? I looked it up in the dictionary , it ' s right :]

Silkie 0

Half of our comments make us look stupid now. Haha :D

what? is it let the retards loose day or something?

logical_guy 0

hey.. are you an idiot or something?

sugarr0babby0 0

Um. and what is this 'look'. I hope he took your liscense away, better you off the road then on. Lucky you didn't kill anyone, OP. 0.o