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By manicmandy - 01/08/2010 20:24 - United States

Today, I learned that ice cubes do not cool down hot oil. Instead, it causes a massive explosion of hot grease to splatter all over my parents' kitchen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 502
You deserved it 78 582

Same thing different taste

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If it makes you feel any better OP, I wouldn't have known that either. :P

YDI for learning that ice cubes do not cool down hot oil, instead it explodes hot grease all over your parents' kitchen.

greeneyedgoalie7 0

I didn't know that either haha

haha I'm sorry, I've done that before..HUGE mess!

Wasn't this taught in first grade?

greeneyedgoalie7 0
RyanG_21 0

water & oil don't mix everyone knows that

KiddNYC1O 20

I wonder how many ppl are going to try this at home lol

Trupe 3

I once threw water on a grease fire. That shit went everywhere haha. It coulda been worse

KiddNYC1O 20

mercyfml- lol i know right. he must be jealous of legonut with his "it's funny because..." comments, which are also shticks lol

this reminds me of when I was little and put a burger still wrapped in aluminum foil in the microwave.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

Don't make fun of OP. She has this mental illness that makes her do stupid things.

lol!!! thanx for tellin me!! learn sumfin new on fml nearly everyday!!

Bl0OdYShAdOw 0
afrotasticchica 0

in your picture, is that highjump?!

duhhh they tested that on mythbusters

Who else is curious as to why this happened in the first place?

justfienne 12

I believe she is pole vaulting...

pwincessa23 1
greeneyedgoalie7 0

118 is right, pole vaulting(:

purple_zebras_ 0

48-my friends fiance set my friends kitchen on fire because he was cooking her a romantic dinner but the grease caught fire and he tried to put it out with water but it like exploded (not literally) and the cabinets were all black lol :) but they are still together today lol :P

it is pole vaulting lol that would be one HIGH high jump lol :P

EricErection69 0

Oh goodness. you should have thrown flour on it haha:) it cools down the oil and doesn't have it splatter everywhere:) I learned that trick in my food and fitness class. :p haha.

mwhahaha legonut the troll has ceased to exist.

this is what third grade science was for dumbass.

Well, at least you learned something today.

psuboy 0

better than all over your face

didn't your parents every tell you to NEVER put water in grease?! wow! even I wouldn't do that!

dam op retard but this couldve made some awesome fire works if you watch mythbusters 8oz water....BOOM fire ball <3

sunshine_roovers 2

i learn that everyday, people get dumber and dumber :)

sugarr0babby0 0

69 - I love how your photo says very clearly not to copywright it. aha, look who just did..

hey it was worth the mess u learned something new :)

what's do you never put on a grease fire? and what's the stuff u put on it made of? dumbass

Lindahhxd 7

you haven't watched mythbusters apparently.

SoundnVasion 0

ydi for possibly wanting to deepfry ice cubes

fritz2 0

today I learned most fml posters are dip *****.

Including you, fritz2. Didn't your mother ever teach you when to use capital letters?!

This reminds me of the time I was heating up my hot chocolate in the microwave, and my hot chocolate just blew up. It was so depressing, I had used up the last of the powder to make that mug, so I couldn't go and make any more. =(

Churon 0

I think water and oil need to get over their differences and get along with eachother

@241 1) there is a MAJOR difference between the effect that some residual water has in a pan with hot oil, and putting an ICE CUBE in over heated oil. Imagine you lil pop and sizzles Ten times more extreme. Something, say, you can't jus step back from. 2) how the eff do yo think grease fires start?!? Someone puts water in oil, or something that makes it splatter badly, it touches open flame, and then spreads or jumps and reacts with more oil amd bam, you have a fire. So, 241, you seem to be the misguided one, not ppl telling the op she's an idiot. If my kid did that? She'd lose stove privileges for a time. That was one of the FIRST things I learned when cooking. Never mix hot oil amd water.

endawmyke 0

obviously youve never seen the mythbusters episode about frying a frozen turkey.. ydi

are u an idiot? of course u don't put water/ice in hot oil. it's common sense...

the water evaporates and carries the grease up with it. your lucky it didn't catch fire

sim81788 0

227 "do not copy" on a copyrighted photo just means you can't take it and have it reprinted by anyone except the original photographer.

It seems that most of the people calling OP an idiot or saying that water and oil do not mix fall into 4 categories 1) they cooked with mom and dad as a child and were told this 2) they played with fire as a child and were given a lecture 3) they watch mythbusters 4) they've done it before Now if you want to see a real explosion you should have made thermite instead and watched that fall on ice.

well if this makes you feel any better, you are smarter than a 4 year old.

@ 301. No. It means you may not reproduce the art, in print OR digitally, without the permission of, and/or reference to, the owner/creator. Using someones picture as your own does infringe Copyright laws.

OP you are an idiot. guess u missed all of elementary school during "Fire Prevention Week"

There's a difference between being an idiot and being ignorant. OP was ignorant, 313 is an idiot.

Actually, 306, I knew this from logical deduction. First, even a small amount of water added to hot oil causes oil to pop and splatter. Second, suddenly exposing an ice cube to high heat causes it to explode, crack, and splatter in a much more violent fashion. I learned this in 8th grade science class. Dry ice vs. ice cube on a hot plate. The ice cube explodes. Combine the two together and you have something worse than just one or the other. And look at that, I didn't have to do something this stupid to find out. And what kind of retard tries to cool down a pan with ice cubes?

Lindahhxd 7

It's a school picture, the example ones always say do not copy.

I now have the image of the Demoman from TF2 taunting. "Ka-BOOM!!!!"

arc111111_fml 0

agree. Next time watch mythbusters.

_Shenanigans_ 0

Someone did something like that where I worked. They put an Arby's roast beef in the microwave with the foil on still and it burst into flames.

TeeHooligan 0
chonnner 0
UnderTheMoon 0
AeolusMDD 0

*points and laughs* and everyone learned a lesson. Well all but those who r now laughing at u! *laughs some more*

don't you watch mythbusters? 8 oz of water can make a 20 ft fire ball when poured on a grease fire.... it goes to say without the fire it'll just explode everywhere

lolcartoonhero 0

Didn't you take any sort of science class in elementary school? You don't need to be a physics major to know that water, solid or liquid, and oil NEVER EVER GO TOGETHER.

Water and oil do not mix ever, but perhaps OP though the ice cube might transfer its cold to the oil. Then again, the sudden shock between the two temperatures would cause an explosion.

FMLephant 2

Had you never heard that water and oil don't mix?

bugmenotmofo 34

It's not because water and oil have different densities, dumbshit. It's because the hot oil melted/vaporized the ice and the released steam blew oil everywhere.

FMLephant 2

was I referring to density? okay didn't think so

it wouldn't be density anyone "why water and oil don't mix together" it's because of their chemistry

I do believe that 14 meant to reply to number 5.

RawrCo0kiies 3
muffinkitty 15

dnt worry op, I didn't know either XD that probably doesn't help ur case much cuz Ima blonde

you stupid son of a bitch! why would you post this for the world to see you have no common sence? you deserve a darwin award

#17, you know what they say about being able to laugh at yourself! Actually, I'm not sure what they say about that, but it's good. I hate to admit it, but I only learned not to put water on a grease fire like 3 years ago. Luckily, I learned it before I started cooking.

lurchin_10 0

idk if this is worthy of a Darwin award