By bird-brain - 21/11/2009 12:19 - Germany

Today, I was at a zoo with some friends in Germany. People were talking to this bird and it responded in complete, grammatically correct German sentences. One of my friends said 'Wow, that bird has better grammar than the exchange student!' A bird speaks better German than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 452
You deserved it 5 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well German isn't your native language, so obviously.

Haha no the bird just copies people it doesn't speak on it's own like you hve to. Good for you tho that you do know any German at all I suck at Spanish.


Haha no the bird just copies people it doesn't speak on it's own like you hve to. Good for you tho that you do know any German at all I suck at Spanish.

Veritas143 0

The bird mimicked someone who was most likely german and therefore was fluent (most likely) you're upset because someone in Germany speaks better German than you..Go choke on some VEINERSNITZLE!(dont care about spelling on that one)

I dont want to ruin it for you, but Wienerschnitzel is from Austria.

Apparently you're not great at English either... "A bird speaks better German than I." Implied predicate, fool.

doch_fml 4

The word nay doesn't mean no. Nein means no.

I'll just stop now. These shifting comments prevent commenting..

doch_fml 4

The word nay doesn't mean no. Nein means no.

I speak German to my point das Sind sehr dumb und ich denke dass ist kuhschei*e

voveraite 7

"this Are very stupid", so that's your point? :D