By litterbox_girl - 19/08/2009 01:13 - United States

Today, I was at my boyfriend's house while his plumbing was being redone. I really had to pee, but the toilet wasn't working, so I peed in his cat's litterbox. His cat got defensive, and started attacking me while I peed. My boyfriend walked in and saw the whole thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 805
You deserved it 71 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Equinox987 0

Oh my gawd, what is wrong with you!

batman does not approve of peeing in litter boxes.


marlux 0

LOL u know something, u dont have to flush if its just pee

**** your life? **** HIS life? No. **** your boyfriend's cat's life.

okay what the hell, why didn't you just tell him : hey, I gotta pee ? and he'd just tell you to pee in some bushes somewhere or whatever.. use your head

Enjoy the toxoplasmosis you are probably going to get from doing that. Don't you know that cat shit is filthy?

The OP didn't rub her genitalia in the cat poop. She probably just leaned over the cat box and didn't get too near the cat's waste.

Wow Well, obviously when the plumbings busted any NORMAl person would just take a piss in the litter box It's called holding it in seriously though the litter box?

This is seriously ******* awesome. Sorry about your scratched-up ass, though.

OMG the mental image you have given my has FML

Chicks don't have to wipe if they're just peeing. However, they usually do, just because it dries things up a bit nicer down there. ;)