By litterbox_girl - 19/08/2009 01:13 - United States

Today, I was at my boyfriend's house while his plumbing was being redone. I really had to pee, but the toilet wasn't working, so I peed in his cat's litterbox. His cat got defensive, and started attacking me while I peed. My boyfriend walked in and saw the whole thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 810
You deserved it 71 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Equinox987 0

Oh my gawd, what is wrong with you!

batman does not approve of peeing in litter boxes.


WHAT THE HELL ! HAHAHAHA ! Why didn't you go next door to use their bathroom or why couldn't you just hold it ! Seriously.. A litter box.. my god.

WHAT THE HELL ! HAHAHAHA ! Why didn't you go next door to use their bathroom or why couldn't you just hold it ! Seriously.. A litter box.. my god.

Do you know what pregnant ladies are advised against cleaning up cat litter? that's because the litter holds little bacterias and microorganisms that are harmful when they enters your ******. yet you were bold enough squat over the cat's poop box and take a piss. For that, I want to congratulate you. Nice balls.

eeee93757 0

To me, it is just stunning that so many pet owners are completely ignorant to the ways of the animals they own. Since you probably didn't know, cats and dogs are pretty territorial animals. The litter box is where the animal goes to the bathroom, not where you go to the bathroom. It doesn't know that you can't use your toilet (not that it even knows what a toilet is or what you do with it), and when you go to squat over it's litter box you've entered its territory, and peeing on it in the animal world means you're marking it as your territory. The cat was defending its territory, and you're just a complete idiot. Congrats.

Kuroftw 0

Indeed. It was probably a male cat.

curryndricegirll 0

oh my god! thank god there's someone on here with a brain!

ronws23 0

no offense, but thats probably the stupidest thing i have ever heard

Have you no self-respect?! If you have to pee and the toilet isn't working, ask if you can use a neighbor's, don't pee in a litter box like an animal!

libbyluv33 0

Okay, you are messed up peeing in a cat's litter box, but SO FUNNY!!!

libbyluv33 0

And wouldn't this be more of an FML for your boyfriend? "Went in the room to see my cat attacking my girlfriend while she was peeing in its litter box. FML."