By XLhottie - 06/06/2009 06:48 - United States

Today, I was at Target trying on swimsuits. I tried on a medium bottom and was so excited because it fit perfectly even though I've gained a few pounds. My self-esteem was at an all-time high until my mom told me I could never fit into a medium. I rechecked the tag. It was an extra large. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 199
You deserved it 23 048

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hustlinpimp 0

you should sit on your mom, that should teach her a lesson.

The size on the tag doesn't matter as long as the clothes fit well and you feel comfortable with the way you look.


sunshiiiineXD 0

Ahaha, #48: Yes, Target sells swimsuits. Target has everything.

lovely997 0

I myself am a bit chunky, but I'm working in it I HATE when big people were bikinis Or tiny outfits It makes fatties look even worse YDI

This is so ridiculous. I do think it's important to look nice, but Just look in a freaking mirror. You know how you look, you know if you like it how it is or not. Getting a self-esteem boost (or the opposite) out of fitting some clothes on (or failing at it) or a number on a scale is pathetic. It doesn't change how you were before doing it.

Mulada 0

49, what do you know, you dumbass? I happen to like chubby girls and I know many many MANY other guys who do. Even random strangers on the internet do! Even skinny little guys do! So what gives you the right to say they'll "never be hot"? Last I checked, you're not a god. But of course, GOD FORBID these "fat bitches" are loved for their personalities... And why are you throwing around the word "Bitches"? Isn't a bitch used to describe a mean woman (cause female dogs can be nasty)? Did a fat woman murder your father or something? And to the OP; Despite what assholes say, alot of guys like chubby girls. They're harder to find, but we exist. However, if you wanna lose weight... I have no advice, but other people do! If you think bad of your weight, it probably is better to wear a one piece for now until you lose weight, but if you don't *shrug* I don't care. Above all, I hope your self-esteem gets better.

happygoluckyhh 0

Congrats! Your fat and can't read!

I agree that fat people should'nt wear bikinis it's really gross, but if you are happy with yourself and feel good than good for you. But it seems like you don't or maybe you didn't realize how big you actually became or were in denial. You should turn this experience around and make it positive by using it as your motivation to get back into a medium!

BeQuickOrBeDead_fml 0

Baha. You're fine the way you are :D I thought I was fat when I went to Khols and tried on size 12 pants that didnt fit at all and then I tried on size 14's and they didnt fit either. I matched both of them up to a size 8 and they all looked Identical. There are shitty stores everywhere...Like Abercrombie, all their clothes are meant for really skinny, tall, freakishly long armed girls :/ I wear ones, threes and double zeros now though, that happened when I was like 13....But still like I said you're fiiine. Dont sweat teh small stuffs.

#49, LOL SRSLY? She's supposed to base her self esteem/body image on what guys think of her =_= ? Grow a brain and GTFO.

I like how people are hating on the mom for saying what she said. It's like telling someone who's trying to black that they're not. Same thing. She was just stating a fact

ZiggyMorrison 0

I like big asses so do alot of guys infact you can pretty much guys down the middle to either assmen or boobmen some like nice **** and some like nice asses