By XLhottie - 06/06/2009 06:48 - United States

Today, I was at Target trying on swimsuits. I tried on a medium bottom and was so excited because it fit perfectly even though I've gained a few pounds. My self-esteem was at an all-time high until my mom told me I could never fit into a medium. I rechecked the tag. It was an extra large. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 199
You deserved it 23 048

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hustlinpimp 0

you should sit on your mom, that should teach her a lesson.

The size on the tag doesn't matter as long as the clothes fit well and you feel comfortable with the way you look.


FunWriter20 0

Sometimes two-pieces look a lot better than a one piece. I doubt she was wearing a string bikini, and even if she were, then big deal.

2 piece swimsuits should never EVER come in an XL.....not a lot of people enjoy seeing excess fat hanging out. They made one pieces for a reason:to hide the fat better.

Aww that's okay! Everyone gains a few pounds. I know I did especially around the Christmas holidays. I also then stopped working in retail and worked at spa which gives you no form of movement, b/c I was always sitting on my ass..and my family started noticing and called me "chubs". I joined the gym and lost all that extra weight and fat. But, it's up to you on what you want to do with your body. All I know is I feel a lot better than before and l love working out. Though, there is nothing wrong with being chunky, just as long as your eating right and being healthy.

lovely997 0

Lookkk at jennifer lopez's ass She's tiny but could never fit into a size medium bottoms, EspeciAlly at target, And she looks really good

I love how all the fat people on this site try to back this girl up. SHES FAT!!!! GET OVER IT!!!! People are like "OMG UR NOT FAT" But the honest truth is she is fat. She even mentions she gained a few pounds, and still don't call her fat. **** ALL YOUR ****** UP LIVES. AND BTW, #49, is right, quite a few of the fat girls are bitches, not necessarily this one but still. Like one is always watching TV and shit and she weighs over 340 pounds and shes only 16 and she treats her BF, My friend like shit, not to mention she drinks and smokes and shit. so if i have problems against fat people don't blame me. blame bad fat people.

Mulada 0

66, you maaaay wanna pratice what you preach. Go on, jog now! Maybe the "Teeny boppers" are fatasses or maybe *duh duh duhhhhh* They're these so called "nice people"! Nice people make me sick, they shouldn't exist!

vindication 0

#10 (sexxiness2121): I know your comment was supposed to be helpful, but honestly, I don't like how it was delivered. "I'm not the best person to give advice because I'm so thin without even trying *rub it in your face* and the fact that I gained weight makes me so happy even though you'd like to lose some, but you can still do it!" Honestly?

Well stop complaining about it and lose weight!

#77 She smokes and drinks and shit? Shit, I'm a bitch, too, since I shit. But seriously, that's stereotyping. Bitchiness, last I check, doesn't depends on your weight or color or social status or whether you shit or not, does it?

Mulada 0

77, you'll always be blamed for judging an entire group of people. It's not anyone elses fault, just your own. Funny you say that, because most fat people I know are actually quite nice. Am I saying all fat people are nice? No. I judge people as individuals. That's like me saying all skinny people are anorexic idiots that think they're better then anyone who has a slightly wider build then they; I know nice people who are skinny too.