By Italian_Stallion - 16/02/2009 21:44 - United States

Today, I was at the airport, about to listen to Disney's Camp Rock soundtrack on my iPhone. I pressed play, only to realize that my headphones weren't plugged in all the way. Everone sitting near me heard Joe Jonas' voice coming from my phone. I am 40 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 124
You deserved it 68 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats what you get for listening to the Jonas Brothers

at least it was at an airport, you'll never have to see any of those people again


I'm sorry though I try to be open minded and to each their own and stuff... but I agree with #7 and the others like that I mean here's what I think of that kind of music "What do we do with the Jonas Brothers? BURN THEM!" OMG I love you Monty Python


Jasminator13 0

lol. Even if you do like joe jonas (he's got a RELATIVELY sweet voice despite how bad his brothers sound), you should've at least listened to it in private, at home or something. sorry but you totally deserved this.

unomo 0

get over it peopl she like the Jonas brothers so what I'm sure sone ofu guys are 50 year old guys with lady gaga or Hanna montana so shut up

Inuyasha1770 0

you deserve it fag. listen to good music!

child molester! keep your children Away!

12 year old!!! off this site before I tell your mommy!