By Anonymous - 25/08/2013 18:21 - Canada - Grand Falls

Today, I was at the beach. I'd recently decided to try the "life hack" where you empty out a bottle of lotion and hide small valuables in it, to avoid them being stolen. I'd put the bottle in my bag. Instead of stealing stuff from inside it, though, someone just stole the whole bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 531
You deserved it 10 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never go swimming at the beach by yourself.


For this trick to work, you have to leave the bottle lying around. Think about it this way: If you would go around stealing other peoples stuff, is it more subtle to quickly bend down and take the bag, or kneel down and start rummaging inside it? Alas, I hope there was nothing too valuable you lost. Sorry!

Next time, bring a handbag-sized bottle of lotion.

surefire988 12

That's remind me about an year ago, I go camping during a 5 degree, heavy rain and 20mph wind. During the day break the storm is over and we all agree the night was harsh, and we found that 2 pound of brea got stolen from our food stash. But we all agree that would be acceptable. Coz they only take what they need and leave our 500 dollar worth stove and surefire flashlight untouched. I would be really funny if that thief stole your loaded lotion but thinking he only talking what they need. Haha

kaykay2922 11

This is Canada for you. Mind you, I wouldn't live anywhere else.

Isa_fml 20

Or you could not take your valuables with you to the beach. I can't think of a single expensive item that you would need to take with you, except perhaps a cell phone, which probably would not fit in a lotion bottle anyway. Take off your jewelry before you leave home.

ghil15 8

cause why do you have to bring expensive stuff to the beach? to show off??....

Why would you bring valuables to the beach. ..

that was dumb as hell! why would you think someone wouldn't steal your bag? if anything you should have left the lotion bottle out of it. then they might have just taken your bag and left the lotion. and you probably should have hidden the lotion under your towel...maybe cover it in a little sand too. I hope you weren't dumb enough to bring expensive jewelery to the beach. the only valuable items you should have probably had were a few bucks for spending and a cell phone