By notsoclean - 24/12/2010 21:14 - United States

Today, I was at the dentist's, getting my teeth cleaned. He thought it would be funny to suddenly go on in detail about the fantastic sex he and his wife had the night before. I was unable to speak the entire time. The dentist is my grandpa. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 491
You deserved it 3 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You KNOW he did that on purpose. I'm going to do that to my grandchildren, God willing.

Wow, that must have been traumatizing :|


RawrBunneh 0
perdix 29

You appear to be a girl. Is there something we should know about you? Are you a "chick with a dick?"

Children learn by imitation. This here is an internet n00b, attempting to learn the ways of the internet. It may not yet know the meaning of the term, "boner".

Someday, when you learn the definition of "boner," this will become an FML all of its own.

amelinbabi 0

Hahaha oh man. everyone is feeling sorry for you but I created an account just to comment on how awesome your grandpa is. first fml to make me lol. kudos

SoulSinner 0

hey if he's an old fart and still ABLE to tag his wife, good for him.

Out there somewhere, a therapist is going to be rich from you. :)