By dmvsucks - 13/09/2010 15:14 - United States

Today, I was at the DMV getting temporary tags for my new car. While waiting in line, a huge fat lady behind me felt the need to run her finger down the scar on the back of my neck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 625
You deserved it 3 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have to say skinny or fat... I wouldn't be okay with a random stranger caressing my body at all. fyl


OriginalPooh01 0

Probably thought it was food. >:D

bella286 0

why is the fact that she's fat relevant??

hebron77 0

Tell her you got that scar after torturing the last person who touched your neck.

It's tags. You don't have tabs for your vehicle.

Who cares about that, you managed to get yourself a new car in this shit economy. Kudos!

xXcaraXx 2

0.0 Hopefully the line hurries up!!!!!

Op its ok to talk about Vietnam. We r here for u.............TO SOON?