By dmvsucks - 13/09/2010 15:14 - United States

Today, I was at the DMV getting temporary tags for my new car. While waiting in line, a huge fat lady behind me felt the need to run her finger down the scar on the back of my neck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 625
You deserved it 3 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have to say skinny or fat... I wouldn't be okay with a random stranger caressing my body at all. fyl


subiedude08 17

Because that's a perfectly normal thing to do

So you would've been 100% okay with a small, skinny lady doing this to you?

so a skinny lady would have been fine

I have a scar on my head and people touch it all the time. It's so ******* annoying

"Today, I stroked the scar of my loving boyfriend standing in front of me. Except it wasn't my boyfriend. It was someone else. FML"

Only in America. I live in Kansas, and there are way too many freaks here. I am moving out of this wretched state ASAP.

wierdedout? 3

had this happened to me I would of turned around and decked the lady in the face. what a creepy thing for a total stranger to do.

Sorry your consent was violated but it's unnecessary to mention that she was fat.