By I_Am_The_Edge - 11/06/2009 16:06 - United States
Top comments
Hahaha! *Points and laughs at you* Bet that would've been hilarious to see in person. Guess he showed you!
YDI, and are a complete ass. I hope he jabbed you good, then took the entire contents of your pockets and threw rocks at your bloody corpse.
Why don't you just go kick puppies? What did he ever do to deserve rocks thrown at him? I would have chased you to.
kicking puppies is fun!
897... what the heck is wrong with you.
what did the puppies do to deserve kicks?
Im sorry, but you did deserive that one. Dont throw anything! I starting to question you age. RI
Obviously someone's trying to make it to the top of the YDI page ... I don't believe this shit for a second.
YDI. Those homeless people have it hard, without you throwing rocks at them XD
Wow. You are so ****** up.
You're a tard.
wtf ydi
I don't blame him. I'd chase you with a knife if you had thrown a rock at me too. YDI.