By qtpieo1 - 13/08/2010 16:14 - United States

Today, I was at the pool with two boys I babysit. The eldest wouldn't get out of the pool so I pretended to call his dad. He then ran out of the pool, pushed me down, grabbed my phone, chucked it into the pool and then ran back into the pool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 514
You deserved it 9 738

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schwancy 2

Tell his parents they owe you a new phone, and that their son is a little shit.


continue to babysit the little **** but get a new phone and charge em 50$ an hour

Have you not watched 300? You should have kicked the little ****** in the chest and sent him flying back into the pool as soon as he got that close to you..

gaylyn101 3

See, this is what happens when parents don't punish their kids. When I was a kid, and even when I was young enough to be babysitting, the threat of calling the kid's parents was enough to make them do whatever you wanted because they did NOT want to be in trouble with their parents! Now, parents are friends, not parents.

FirstBornUnicorn 0

Well if you never pretended to call his father, none of that would have happened.

The parents have a legal and moral obligation to pay for that phone... And that kid oughta be grounded for at least a month.