By imok - 07/10/2009 17:58 - United States

Today, I was at the Salvation Army when I saw a wheelchair in the miscellaneous aisle. I thought it would be fun to ride around in it. As I was wheeling it back to where I found it, I made it back just as it's owner was hobbling out of the dressing room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 432
You deserved it 53 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I doubt it would be in that aisle just for fun.

wow... ur a dumbass dude u need to grow up


Those of you who think riding in wheelchairs is fun, maybe one day you'll be really "lucky" and "get" one of your very own to take spins in all the time!!

shouldnt this be their FML? "Today, I was at the local SA tryin stuff on. As I came out the dressing room, I noticed some douchebag buttmuncher riding around in my wheelchair. FML."

Jakojan 4

You, 61, are an idiot. Your legs don't have to be completely paralyzed to be in a wheelchair. I know a person in a wheelchair that can walk but not very well so a wheelchair is EASIER. Do the world a favor and go delete system 32. Thanks ^_^

TheWayILovedYou 0

You effing jerk! you're so immature! Think of your actions before you do something so idiotic and careless!

That sounds horrible. I would feel so bad if I did that to someone.

Ha, that happened to me in the airport. They were cool with it when I apologized though.

penguinluvR428 0

Wow. Way to be an ass... I'm probably not even as old as you and I would NEVER do that. Thats just f*ed up!!