By bsaucedo - 28/07/2009 05:00 - United States
bsaucedo tells us more.
who says my tank top was low cut and my cleavage was showing ? my shirt doesnt need to be low cut for a bee to fly in. so you deserve to be run over :)
Top comments
Well, I clicked you deserved it, because the fact that you have little self-control and yet feel so sorry for yourself means it probably was karma.
I feel like putting a whole bee hive down your shirt, or maybe even better, down your pants.
Wow # 30, how do you even navigate yourself around teh internetz? Freudianego? what the **** does that mean? You wanna have sex with your mother or something? Not to mention you have no grasp of Karma whatsoever.. There are so many things wrong with you I'm almost tempted to ask for your address so I can call you a straightjacket.
dayuummm shawty. I hope yu had some nice tities...
bee's have macho intentions?
perverts will be perverts....bees or not.
Male bees don't have stingers so it must have been a lesbian bee
you should bee more careful next time. *ba dum pshh*
damn right, funny
You should be glad the bee was Mr. Macho and not Astronaut Bee. He would have flown to Uranus!
Eh. No.
Why? Are you afraid of what she'd flash if Astronaut Bee made his journey? Would you prefer it if I called the bee Buzz Aldrin?
Haha. Your comments always make my day plexico.
Lucky kids. :P FYL though.
hahaha, a bee being mr.macho,