By bsaucedo - 28/07/2009 05:00 - United States

Today, I was at the Wild Animal Park. There were bees everywhere. One brave bee, thinking he was Mr. Macho, flew right down my tank top in between my boobs. I freaked the hell out and ended up screaming and pulling down my shirt to get the bee out. I flashed about 10 kids and their families. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 937
You deserved it 9 919

bsaucedo tells us more.

bsaucedo 0

who says my tank top was low cut and my cleavage was showing ? my shirt doesnt need to be low cut for a bee to fly in. so you deserve to be run over :)


That bee knows where it's at. Can't get that kinda honey in the hive...

should have squeezed the bee between your breasts, he would have died a beautiful death

from a human perspective yes, but from the bee's? Imagine if the roles were switched, and you were getting squashed between the thorax and abdomen of a 600 foot tall bee! AHHHH! OMG! Huge trans-species body parts coming at me gonna squish me! ZOMG!

Glam_fml 0

Ahh, I feel your pain. A aimilar thing happened to me, only minus the bee and add large quantities of alcohol. I still feel bad about exposing myself to all those young kids...

The only part of that that is close is that you both exposed yourselves...But she did it to prevent getting stung, you however did it because you couldn't control yourself enough not to get so drunk you thought giving a bunch of kids a free peek was a good idea...She gets the FML, you would get the YDI *****...

hahaha even though Erlkonig didn't get the joke, it was still funny.

that must have been a gr8 thing for the kids to see LOL. I feel sorry 4 you FYL.

deliapearl 0

I bet the bee and his buddies are laughing their stingers off

Hourglass1117 0

That's when you play it off and give the children an anatomy lesson. :P