By confused - 07/04/2013 14:51 - Australia - Glen Waverley

Today, I was at University when a giant mascot started walking in my direction. As they walked past, they whispered my name seductively. I still don't know who it was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 671
You deserved it 5 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You liked it didn't you, don't lie ;)

Looks like you've got a secret admirer.


I can't label this as a FYL or YDI, because it doesn't seem that bad in comparison to some of the things here. xD But yay for that secret admirer of yours!

better hope the person under there is sexy !

Despite my earlier arousal of the costume...I'm not sure if this is an acceptable way to approach someone if you have an affection. I personally would know from several restraining orders.

FYL because you don't know who whispered your name? What?

olpally 32

Haha, that's creepy as ****, but hilarious. Better buy some pepper spray though.

You got a secret admirer! I'm jealous! :p

Remember that you're at the university to get the D-egree.

ItsAnanya 25

Just laugh it off OP xD Although if you REALLY want to know if it was one of your friends, when you are next hanging out with them , tell them what the mascot did and look closely for any fishy behaviour haha ( I still think laughing it off is a better idea .)

If it's a secret admirer, kinda cute. If it's a stalker, creepy! Genius but creepy!

It would be a stalker if OP saw a mascot in the tree outside his/her window. Maybe a squirrel mascot?

In current society, the difference between "stalker" and "secret admirer" is synonymous with "Clint Howard" and "Antonio Banderas".