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By Secretlypossessed - 29/10/2018 03:00

Today, I was awoken to a punch in the face. My boyfriend said I was giggling in my sleep and he thought I was possessed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 976
You deserved it 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He neglected to mention that while you were giggling your head rotated three hundred and sixty degrees and projectile vomited pea soup.


wrf is wrong with your boyfriend? punch you cuz demons and what not?!

bluhbluhbluh 14

He should burn in demon fire for that.

EmDizzle2007 28

how do you know?? he could've been right. the demon could've seen it coming and relinquished the possession of her soul just before she got bopped on the nose.

He should have shaken you, but being terrified in the middle of the night I kind of see where he’s coming from

He neglected to mention that while you were giggling your head rotated three hundred and sixty degrees and projectile vomited pea soup.

I'm also not hearing from OP that they're not possessed.

Your boyfriend's an idiot. Everyone knows you need holy water to find out if someone is possessed.

Emma Marshall 19
Mungolikecandy 19

And the next punch is when you are awake and he claims the same thing. Get out of that relationship now.

Possessed? I know this sounds bad but that's a lousy excuse.... if my husband did that to me I would assume he just wanted the possession excuse as an excuse to punch me in the face..... Unless you spoke in Latin while opening your eyes wide, maybe then his excuse would be valid

voncrane 23

Demon: You insult me by insinuating that I'm only capable of speaking Latin.

Aiden89 23

The power of Christ compels you child....