By Nanny - 30/04/2009 17:42 - United States

Today, I was babysitting a 4 year-old with a speech impediment. I asked her, "Do you got your bag?" And she said, "No. I have my bag. Babies say got. I'm a big girl." I am 20 years old and in the honors program in my college. I was corrected by a 4 year-old with a speech impediment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 205
You deserved it 102 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just because she has a speech impediment and is 4 doesn't mean she's dumb stop thinking so highly of yourself, ya dick.

thats ur fault u shouldnt speak like a moron


Many people do the baby talk thing. I thinks it's best to speak properly to children. Just keep the discussion age appropriate.

mogaconga 4

Next time you get corrected by a kid like that, do whatever you can to explain to them that if they understood what you were saying enough that they could correct you, there's no point in correcting you. Don't pay attention to all the people calling you an idiot for your word choice. Nip grammar Nazis at the bud so that maybe people will realize that word choice is based on where you're from, who you're around and the things you hear and has nothing to do with intellect. And just food for thought: there's no such thing as bad grammar. Just sayin'.

Yes, there is. That's just asinine. Regional dialect and incorrect verb conjugation are two totally different things. Grammar exists for the purpose of intelligible communication.

justahboy 0

Do you expect her to be stupid or somw shit .! Like you keep mentioning it A-hole .!

flawedgenius 6

some people just dont speak proper!

I would be happy that she knows the difference, not that she properly corrected you -while you were talking like an idiot-.

cuddlebunny3548 11

Just because she has a speech impediment doesn't mean she doesn't know English!! I even noticed you said got before I finished reading your FML and I have a speech impediment too

missprincess05 0

Maybe she should be in the honor program instead - just a thought

missprincess05 0

Haha yeah and plus even my son knows his grammar better than the bitch who wrote this. Oh yeah my son is autistic has a speech impediment and has ADHD so it's no excuse. Lol