By Nanny - 30/04/2009 17:42 - United States

Today, I was babysitting a 4 year-old with a speech impediment. I asked her, "Do you got your bag?" And she said, "No. I have my bag. Babies say got. I'm a big girl." I am 20 years old and in the honors program in my college. I was corrected by a 4 year-old with a speech impediment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 205
You deserved it 102 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just because she has a speech impediment and is 4 doesn't mean she's dumb stop thinking so highly of yourself, ya dick.

thats ur fault u shouldnt speak like a moron


Just because she's 4 and has a speech impediment does'nt mean she does'nt know simple english! You're not helping her learn by talking like that.

I agree with #214. Especially if you're in the honors program, you should know better and use correct grammar.

YDI for not using correct English. Being a child and having a speech impediment doesn't make one dumb.

You are in the honors program at your college and you a) said "Do you got your bag?" b) seem to think that all people with speach impediments are stupid Wow, seems like a good college.

you're an asshole. Just because somebody has a speach impediment doesnt mean they're stupid. Dick.

candydiscord 0

i signed up for this site just to tell you you're a jerk. if you know how to talk, talk properly. if you don't, don't be prejudiced and assume that someone with a speech impediment is stupid. you shouldn't be taking care of kids.

dontpanic_fml 32

You got corrected by a 4 year old with a speech impediment (which, by the way, has NOTHING to do with grammar) because she is a lot smarter than you.

dontpanic_fml 32

And what the heck college has you in their honors program?