By JCC - 18/05/2011 10:57 - United States

Today, I was babysitting a three-year-old. She asked me what was wrong with my belly. I had to explain to her that I'm just fat. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 475
You deserved it 13 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

Tell the toddler you are Santa. You will get sooo much respect.


staceysgenesis16 0

Just explain that you're in a contest - to have more rolls than a bakery. You're killing the competition, by the way.

Well, nothing screams respect like explaining why you're overweight... I say you should've turned around and said, "That's what you made mommy look like when you were in her tummy."

A five year old once asked why i had chicken pox all over my face. It was severe acne.

peppermintstick 0

I had that happen once, when I was volunteering in a kindergarten classroom in college. She was a sweet kid so I had to let it roll off my back but it was hard since I was so self conscious about it to begin with!

I'm glad I'm not the only one! Kids seem to be mystified by acne. :P I was always very self-conscious about my acne, too, but like you said-- all you can really do is let it roll of your back. Luckily they aren't meaning to be mean. :)

peppermintstick 0

You're totally not alone! My daughter has started asking about things like that, that she has never seen or isn't sure about, and I'm realizing it takes awhile to get it through their heads that there's a polite way to ask and sometime you need to just wait until you're at home to ask mommy or daddy about it! I suppose I should comment on OP, so... OP, she is three and is still learning. Don't take it personally!

sucks for you....maybe yu should've said yu were the cotton fairy and you store all the cotton in your belly

PandaSue92 4

Nothin wrong with a little fluff:) Just mean's there's more to love