By the_captain - 23/06/2009 00:21 - United States

Today, I was cashiering at Target when an old woman came into my checkout line. Her items? Variety pack of pleasuring condoms, a bottle of KY sensual lube, and two colorful thongs. As I'm scanning these, she leans in and whispers, "I love toys." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 706
You deserved it 3 517

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tyranny 0

Old people do have a sex life too, and are usually a bit more open about it than we would like to know.

Glam_fml 0

Yeah, that was kind of inappropriate for her to tell you about it, but good for her for having an exciting sex life at her age. I hope I can be that lucky..


*shrugs* how is this an FML? old people can have fun too :P

#5 what the hell is your problem??? You deserve it cuz you work at target?? Really?? You deserve it for being a woman!?!?! That's so prejudiced... And btw I like target and I too am a woman. Screw you. And to the OP, that's really gross and I feel for ya

#5 what the hell is your problem??? You deserve I for working at target?? Really?? You deserve it for being a woman!?!?!?!?!? That's so prejudiced... And btw I like target and I too am a woman. Screw you.

token_blackguy 18

so how is this a fml? ydi for whining about it and being so judgmental over nothing

abyssion1337 0

there's no fml here, quit being such a whiny little bitch that complains over ever little trifle in your life for attention

It was a sarcastic post. You fail at having no ability to detect sarcasm.

Shaiath 0

How the HELL is this a F*ck my life? Honestly, boo-hoo. If anything, it's just funny. Eugh, I really wonder how some of these get accepted to the site. Majority of the posts on this site are just teenagers bitching about how 'horrible' life is. Eugh, grow up and get over it.

kayli10bear 0

granny still has game i guess

Roxas_fml 0

Topics like these are allowed to go through because this site is not just for things that you'd think would **** you over for the rest of your life. Topics that are about something that happened that one day and you don't see the person every again or whatever are allowed.

kyasariin 0

I don't really believe this one.