By skinny dipper - 21/10/2011 02:48 - United States

Today, I was caught skinny dipping by the police. With the arresting officer's daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 037
You deserved it 12 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FreshSalad 1

Well you see officer, we were going to go swimming but then uh, our , um, clothes got dirty so we had to take them off... Just arrest me.


structuredchaoz 4

Ouch. You were likely busted the moment you left the house with her.

Hope ur a girl so it won't be so bad but ur most likely not

Can't believe nobody's said "Threesome!" yet...

Kondemned 0

Your my hero! Talk about eff the police!

JinxosGirl87 0

Now you know that she has a tracking device under her skin. Wherever she is, dad's not far away.

leadman1989 15

But DAAAAAAAD!! Try it works everytime. (warning the following advice may not works but actually get you into MORE trouble just try and avoid doing idiotic things.

You meant you were caught skinny dipping with the officer's daughter. It's worded as if the officer had his daughter with him. Learn your words.