By skinny dipper - 21/10/2011 02:48 - United States

Today, I was caught skinny dipping by the police. With the arresting officer's daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 047
You deserved it 12 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FreshSalad 1

Well you see officer, we were going to go swimming but then uh, our , um, clothes got dirty so we had to take them off... Just arrest me.


cptpillpopper 0

something he will have to live with forever so I'd say your the winner.

I went for a drink at the pub. I ran into my old high school teacher. I ended up going home with him. I'm that desperate.

YankeesUniverse 0

Did the Law and Order "Dun Dun" play when he showed up?

EarAcheMyEYE10 2

did he give you a snickers bar..."not going anywhere for a while"

varkey 7

YDI for skinny dipping in a public place (since the police can't arrest you for doing that privately).

#150: Actually, you can be arrested anyway if you're visible from the sidewalk or a neighbor's yard....

Hahaha, good one! Bet you made his top 5 favorite people!