By skinny dipper - 21/10/2011 02:48 - United States

Today, I was caught skinny dipping by the police. With the arresting officer's daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 037
You deserved it 12 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FreshSalad 1

Well you see officer, we were going to go swimming but then uh, our , um, clothes got dirty so we had to take them off... Just arrest me.


7sevensevenseven 0

double whammy have fun seeing her again

jobsman99 0

Good thing you were done having sex. Could have been worse she could have been giving you a ********.

Who's to say they had sex, or even that the OP is male for that matter?

Wait.. since when is skinny dipping illegal?

Oh mai, someone might see a penis! Although, I suppose some level of public decency should be maintained. But why is it okay when hundreds of nude people protest or pose for photos or somesuch?

perdix 29

Hopefully, you weren't attesting to her orifice at the time.

This is actually one of those stories you'll laugh about in 10 or 20 years! Until then, just wait it out in the jail her dad throws you in!

hartrum 0

Girl: ummm dad I can explain. Guy: oh shit thts your dad (gotta run gotta run gotta run) Cop: get yo ass in the car boy xD

iFizzgig 11

No officer...YOU assume the position

CadillacPimpen 6