By Emil - 20/11/2011 21:42 - United States

Today, I was caught stealing a video game. I realized after my parents were called that the case was actually empty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 071
You deserved it 90 155

Same thing different taste

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Stalkers 0

It's called a display case for a reason.


hmm, I'm just gonna go ahead and say, "YOU DESERVED IT, ya filthy thief."

spider63 0

What were ur charges being a giant dumbass ?

Have you ever even bought a video-game?

azrial897 0

How dare you call yourself a gamer shame on you! People work Hard on those games and kids like you drive up the prices. I wish o could smack you :/

here's a way to fix your little problem... don't shoplift