By Emil - 20/11/2011 21:42 - United States

Today, I was caught stealing a video game. I realized after my parents were called that the case was actually empty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 071
You deserved it 90 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stalkers 0

It's called a display case for a reason.


molly2moon 0

If u tried to take MW3 you are stupid that shit gay like u kid

Sitting, eating popcorn entertained with all the responses on this FML. So tell me, who on here has NEVER stole before? I for one haven't. Guaranteed 90% who commented on here have! So quit throwing stones!!! Lol by the way OP, you deserved it. Just saying lol

iMagzzzy 0

this has potential for the most "you totally deserved it" votes in the history of FML

Dude, were you stealing skyrim? Cause that totally explains it LOL